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How to Withdraw My Student to Homeschool Them

A Step-by-Step Guide to Withdrawing your Student to Homeschool Them

Are you ready to make the jump to homeschool and are asking "How do I withdraw my student to homeschool them?" Withdrawing your child from school to begin homeschooling is an exciting new chapter, but it’s crucial to handle the process correctly to avoid legal complications. If not done properly, your child could be marked absent, leading to potential truancy issues. Missing 10 days can result in the family being reported to a truancy officer, possibly leading to a stressful and intimidating court appearance. To help you avoid these pitfalls, here's a step-by-step guide on how to withdraw your student from school.

how to withdraw my student to homeschool them

Step 1: Send a Notice of Withdrawal to the School

The first and most important step is to notify the school of your decision to withdraw your child. This notification should be sent as soon as you decide to withdraw your student, ideally before they miss any school days. The notice of withdrawal should clearly state your intention to withdraw your child from the school and the last date they will attend the school they have been attending.

Step 2: Carefully Review Any Forms the School Provides

Once the school receives your notice of withdrawal, they may provide you with forms to fill out. It’s essential to read these forms very carefully before signing. Pay close attention to the wording, as you want to ensure you are comfortable with the terms and conditions stated in the document. Do not feel pressured to sign anything immediately—take your time to review and fully understand what you are agreeing to. If you are uncomfortable with any of the contents, don't sign it without asking questions. You can ask the school for more information, or you can ask veteran homeschoolers for help. Consider contacting HSLDA if there is any questionable.

Step 3: Choose Your Homeschooling Path

When it comes to homeschooling, you have a couple of options:

  • Notice of Intent (NOI): If you choose to homeschool using the NOI option, do not fill out an NOI form provided by the school. Instead, write your own letter in your own words and send it to the school district of your choice at least 14 days before you officially start homeschooling.

  • Umbrella School Enrollment: If you prefer to enroll with an umbrella school, like Statheros Academy, complete the enrollment process as soon as possible. At Statheros Academy, we can process your enrollment in 24 hours or less and notify the school of your withdrawal and enrollment with us. However, note that this does not replace the need for you, the parent, to officially withdraw your student. This step is mandatory for you to do yourself.

It’s also important to note that private online schools do not fulfill legal reporting requirements. If it is not a Colorado public online school, you must follow state law by filing an NOI or enrolling in an umbrella school. See our post on online schools to learn more about this.

Step 4: Obtain Written Verification of Unenrollment

After you have notified the school of your decision to withdraw your student, it is highly recommended to ask for verification that the school has officially unenrolled your child. This verification should be in writing—verbal confirmation is not sufficient. Email is the best way to handle this communication, as it provides a time and date stamp, creating a clear record of the exchange.

If you choose to send your withdrawal notification or NOI via snail mail, make sure to send it via certified mail. This way, you will receive a receipt confirming that the school has received your correspondence.

Final Thoughts

By following these steps, you can smoothly transition your child from traditional schooling to homeschooling without any legal headaches. Properly withdrawing your student ensures that your child will not be marked absent, avoiding any potential truancy issues. If you have any questions or need assistance with the withdrawal process or enrolling with Statheros Academy, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to support you every step of the way!

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