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How Umbrella Schools Work

At the Umbrella School, Statheros Academy, we provide the structure and tools to support homeschooling families, but we do not offer curriculum or oversee your child's education. Instead, we fulfill legal reporting requirements in lieu of filing an NOI, empower parents to design and manage their child’s learning experience in a way that fits their family’s unique needs and values.

umbrella school

As an umbrella school, our role is to help you stay organized and compliant with state requirements—but you are fully in charge of your child’s education. You’ll choose the curriculum, set educational goals, create lesson plans, and determine how your child learns best. We are here to assist with tracking progress, providing resources, and offering support when you need it.

What We Provide to Support Your Homeschool

When you enroll with Statheros Academy, you’ll gain access to a wide range of tools and services, including:

  • Transcripts, report cards, and attendance logs – Easily manage and document your child’s academic progress.

  • Every-other-year evaluations – Choose between a free parent evaluation, a professional assessment by Kim Almas, or a standardized test.

  • Teacher and student IDs – Perfect for discounts and participation in events or extracurricular activities.

  • Homeschool coaching and personalized guidance – We offer expert advice on curriculum planning, overcoming challenges, and staying on track.

  • Downloadable resources – Tools like planners, goal-setting guides, and attendance logs help keep your homeschool organized.

  • Community support – Join our active Facebook group, where families connect, share tips, and support one another.

  • Podcasts, blogs, and newsletters – Get inspired with practical advice and encouragement from experienced homeschoolers.

Legal Requirements for Homeschooling

In Colorado, parents must ensure that students receive instruction in core subjects like reading, writing, math, history, civics, science, literature, and U.S. Constitution studies. These topics don't have to be taught every year, but they need to be covered over the course of the student’s homeschool career. Statheros Academy helps track attendance and ensure these subjects are incorporated, but the responsibility to teach them remains fully with the parents.

If you're new to homeschooling, download our How to Get Started Guide, which walks you through the essentials:

  1. Follow local laws and officially withdraw your child from school if necessary.

  2. Deschool and explore different homeschooling styles before choosing curriculum.

  3. Choose your homeschool method and set learning goals for your child.

  4. Gather resources, supplies, and set up your educational space.

  5. Find a rhythm that works for your family.

  6. Connect with others to find your homeschool community.

Parent Responsibilities at Statheros Academy

As a homeschooling parent with Statheros Academy, you are responsible for following Colorado's homeschooling laws and managing your child’s education and attendance records. While we provide optional tools, such as a yearly calendar and attendance log, it is up to you to track attendance in the way that works best for your family. You are not required to submit your attendance to us unless the state audits us, but you may choose to store records through the Members Only section of our website for your convenience. You must certify in writing for us that you have completed the minimum legal attendance requirements.

It’s important to keep your own attendance records in case authorities ever request them. While such requests are rare and typically occur only in cases involving CPS investigations, child abuse/neglect charges, or legal audits, you are legally obligated to provide these records if required. If Statheros Academy requests your attendance records, you must submit them within three business days. Failure to do so will result in the termination of your membership.

By enrolling with us, you acknowledge your responsibility to meet the state's minimum requirements of 172 instructional days, covering essential subjects like reading, writing, math, history, civics, and U.S. Constitution studies. Statheros Academy is here to support your journey, but the full responsibility for tracking attendance, following state laws, and managing your homeschool rests with you.

Why Choose The Umbrella School Statheros Academy?

At Statheros Academy, we respect your freedom to homeschool in your own way. We support families with practical tools, experienced guidance, and a thriving community, without imposing strict rules or unnecessary red tape. Our services are flexible, and our support is there when you need it.

We believe:

  • Parents are the primary educators and should be empowered to make decisions that align with their values.

  • All homeschooling styles and belief systems should be respected and supported.

  • Our job is to serve you, providing the resources and structure to enhance your homeschool experience—not to control it.

If you're looking for an umbrella school that honors your autonomy while providing the tools to stay organized, compliant, and connected, Statheros Academy is here for you. You run the show—we’re just here to help along the way.

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