I. I, Hereinafter, hereby voluntarily and knowingly sign this release with the express intention of eliminating any liability for services provided by Statheros Academy, My Homeschool Hub LLC (MHH) (and all of MHH’s contract laborers), with a mailing address of PO Box 25913, in the City of Colorado Springs, State of Colorado, 80936.
II. I hereby release Statheros Academy, My Homeschool Hub LLC , Colorado Umbrella School and all of it's Independent Contractors from all liability for claims, known and unknown, arising from any errors I make or regrets I may have as a home educator. All decisions I make as a parent and home educator are entirely my responsibility. I am responsible for my own decisions about how and when to homeschool, curriculum choices, parenting decisions, relational challenges within my family, sub-par performance of my children, poor test results earned by my children, or my child’s inability to get into their college of choice. Statheros Academy, My Homeschool Hub LLC and all Contractors are providing support services, but are in no way responsible for the decisions anyone makes for their own families. MHH make no guarantees for my family's success. I understand that, as to claims that are known to the parties when the release is signed, any statutory provisions that would otherwise apply to limit this general release are hereby waived. I also understand that this release extends to claims arising out of life that are not known by me at the time this release is signed.
III. By signing this release, I do not give up any claim that I may now or hereafter have against any person, firm, or corporation other than Statheros Academy, My Homeschool Hub LLC and its Contractors and those persons and entities specified in Section I.
VI. I understand that My Homeschool Hub and its Contractors do not, by providing the value described in Section V, admit any liability or responsibility for anything described in Section II or its consequences.
V. Binding Arrangement. By signing this release, I additionally intend to bind my spouse/partner, heirs, legal representatives, assigns, and anyone else claiming under me. I have not assigned any claim arising from anything in Section II to any other party. This release applies to my heirs, legal representatives, and successors, as well as to Statheros Academy My Homeschool Hub LLC and its Contractors. Statheros Academy, My Homeschool Hub LLC reserves all rights not expressly granted or reserved herein.